Dahlonega, Georgia Newborn Photographer- Baby Everett’s studio newborn photoshoot.

Lane Collins Photography, John's Creek, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy, Rust newborn photo props

Welcome to the world, baby Everett!

I am just smitten with this happy little boy. I have had so many girls in my studio lately, I almost got the studio ready for another girl but it was so refreshing having him in here and being able to use all the warm textures. He just melted in mom and dad’s arms and as long as he was wrapped and warm, he was the perfect little angel!

Everett’s studio newborn photoshoot was a quick 2 hours and had all the fall Inso. I love when parents trust me to design a set and we kept with the boho lifestyle theme.

Here are some of my favorites from his Dahlonega, Georgia newborn session!

If you are expecting and need a Dahlonega, Georgia maternity photographer or Dahlonega, Georgia newborn photographer, book here

Lane Collins Photography, North Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, North Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, Gainesville, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy, smiling baby
Lane Collins Photography, Buford, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, Buford, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, Buford, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, John's Creek, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, John's Creek, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy, Rustic Newborn portraits
Lane Collins Photography, Cumming, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy
Lane Collins Photography, Cumming, Georgia newborn photographer, boho baby, neutral newborn photoshoot, mom and dad, new baby boy

North Atlanta Georgia maternity photographer- Reddy family maternity photoshoot in the mountains


Dahlonega Georgia Newborn Photographer- Paisley’s studio newborn photoshoot