Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer- Amelia’s studio newborn photoshoot

Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer, luxury newborn photography, studio photoshoot, cream and white, baby pictures, Lane Collins Photography, wedding dress, veil, sleeping baby, timeless newborn session

Amelia Love was the sweetest baby and with the last name, ‘LOVE’ you just know that she had to come in for her North Georgia newborn session on Valentine’s day. When her mom booked their family portraits session for her baby photos, she had so many beautiful ideas for shots she wanted to capture. I had so much fun getting creative in the studio with mom, dad, and baby Amelia.

First we did some formal family portraits with Amelia in an adorable purple newborn outfit, and then switched to my lifestyle section of my studio for some more casual and timeless shots.

After that we did some very meaningful poses of Amelia wrapped up and posed with dad’s military uniform. I absolutely love capturing sentimental items with your baby and feel it really shows the personality of the family!

There were so many poses we wanted to get so we scheduled an additional session for mom and baby to get images with mom’s wedding dress and veil. These are timeless pieces of art that they will cherish forever.

The family ended up getting a gallery wall of four square canvases for Amelia’s nursery as well as three extra large acrylic prints for their living room. I loved putting together their velvet album as well.

If you are searching for your North Georgia newborn photographer, or North Georgia maternity photographer, click here to learn more and book!

Here are some of my favorite shots from this studio newborn session.

Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer, luxury newborn photography, studio photoshoot, cream and white, baby pictures, Lane Collins Photography, wedding dress, veil, sleeping baby, timeless newborn session
Atlanta Georgia newborn photographer, luxury newborn photography, studio photoshoot, cream and white, baby pictures, Lane Collins Photography, wedding dress, veil, sleeping baby, timeless newborn session
Atlanta Georgia newborn photographer, luxury newborn photography, studio photoshoot, cream and white, baby pictures, Lane Collins Photography, wedding dress, veil, sleeping baby, timeless newborn session
Virginia Highlands Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, purple baby photos, newborn photo props
Virginia Highlands Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, neutral baby photos, newborn photo props
Milton Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, neutral and white baby photos, newborn photo props
Milton Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, smiling baby, black baby photos, newborn photo props, daddy daughter, formal family portraits
Buckhead Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, smiling baby, black baby photos, newborn photo props, mommy daughter, daddy daughter, formal family portraits
Buckhead Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, smiling baby, black baby photos, newborn photo props, daddy daughter, lifestyle family portraits
Atlanta Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, smiling baby, black baby photos, newborn photo props, formal family portraits, baby details
Cumming Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, boho baby photos, newborn photo props, formal family portraits
Cumming Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, boho baby photos, newborn photo props, formal family portraits
Dawsonville Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, boho baby photos, newborn photo props, Military Families, Marine families, Military newborn photo props
Gainesville Georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, studio newborn photos, luxury newborn photographer, sleeping baby, boho baby photos, newborn photo props, Military Families, Marine families, Military newborn photo props

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