Cumming, GA newborn photographer- Baby Maximus and his big bro, boujee the dog.

Dahlonega, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, dogs and babies, samoyed, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents

I don’t normally allow pets in my studio because I have a pretty compact space with lots of props and goodies to knock over, but when I was asked if this very well behaved Samoyed could join in on this newborn session, I couldn’t resist. Boujee the dog tried to steal the show during the session with his perfect fur and adorable doggo smiles, but baby Maximus was still the cutest baby in the room.

We had a few poses we were wanting to accomplish, but every baby is very different and sometimes to maintain safety and comfort, we must adjust to find what works for the baby. I am so glad we did because the photos we were able to capture are some of my favorite galleries yet!

This family chose one of the largest digital galleries because there were just so many great expressions and poses to choose from. They ended up choosing a matted 8x10 framed piece of wall art to gift to the grandmother who was so luckily available to join us during the photoshoot! I absolutely love generational images with grandparents. There is always so much love in the room.

Below are some of my favorite shots from Maximus’s newborn photoshoot.

Dahlonega, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, dogs and babies, samoyed, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Alpharetta, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, dogs and babies, samoyed, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Alpharetta, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, dogs and babies, samoyed, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Buford, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Buford, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents, Samoyed
John's Creek, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
John's Creek, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents, baby yawning
Cumming, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Cumming, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents, sleeping baby
Cumming, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents
Gainesville, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents, blue newborn wrap
Atlanta, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, blue baby photos, new parents
Atlanta, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, grandparents, generations
Dawsonville, georgia newborn photographer, Lane Collins Photography, botanical newborn, family photoshoot, neutral baby photos, new parents, grandparents

If you are looking for a Cumming, GA newborn photographer or someone in the North Georgia area, contact me here!


Atlanta Georgia maternity photographer- Surprise proposal maternity session


Alpharetta georgia newborn photographer- Ella’s North Georgia newborn photos