Alpharetta georgia newborn photographer- Ella’s North Georgia newborn photos

Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes ELLA KATHERINE! This little sunshine was such a sweet baby in the studio. Her parents reached out to me in the beginning of 2022 to help them photograph their intimate small wedding at one of my favorite chapels in Dahlonega, Georgia and I have loved documenting their journey as newlyweds, into maternity, and now newborn with this beautiful little girl.

For Ella, we focused on just her and did a lot of golden and sage green colors with some dried florals and lots of layers! She gave a couple of smiles and made my job easy. I have been loving my new studio setup for newborn sessions as it gives much more of a romantic lifestyle feel with the boho vibes.

Below are some of my favorite newborn poses of Ella. If you are expecting and on the search for a North Georgia newborn photographer or a North Georgia maternity photographer, email me here

Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Buford Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Buford Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Dahlonega Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Alpharetta Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, rust baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Gainesville Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, neutral baby setup
Atlanta Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace
Atlanta Georgia newborn photographer, boho newborn session, vintage baby photos, mustard baby wrap, smiling baby, newborn girl, baby details, Lane Collins Photography, lace

Cumming, GA newborn photographer- Baby Maximus and his big bro, boujee the dog.


Blairsville, Georgia maternity photographer- Morganne’s mountain maternity photoshoot